- Silviculture and forest management techniques.
- Resource assessment and sustainable management of important forest species.
- Nursery and plantation technologies of important forest and ToF species.
- Seed technology (collection, processing, viability, storage, certification germination) of forestry species.
- Management and control of weeds & invasive species.
- Forest economics and Biometrics.
- Wood and non-wood based forest industries in relation to raw material supply, including demand, supply and marketing of forestry/ToF produce.
- Research and technical support for agro forestry/ToF practices and model development.
- Conservation, propagation and sustainable harvest of lesser known tree species.
- Establishment / revival of presentation and sample plots for long term observational studies on growth and impact of climate change.
- Appropriate cultivation, harvesting and post harvest techniques of important NTFPs.
- Strengthening and maintenance of repositories, germplasm etc.
- Research and knowledge management on forest and fires.
- Other related contemporary forestry issues.




Silviculture & Forest Management Division is well equipped with all facilities including two laboratories viz., Soil microbiology and Soil science to conduct various research activities related to soils. The division maintains the Small Bamboo Nursery and Hi-tech nursery of bamboos.